Here we go again
- “In lockdown, Zoom expands to fill all of the manager’s available time.”
I’ve been feeling the Zoom fatigue, and I’m not the only one. This article makes a valid (!) claim that the above quote is the third amendment to Parkinsons Law. - I’m not very fond of scrum. Not because it’s necessarily bad – I just think it’s too easy to phone it in and do the wrong thing by focusing on the rituals rather than adapting and learning. Anyway – this article, Scrum Is Dead. All Hail Kanban, the New King is interesting
- Considering Cypress for a web automation project – here are some pros and cons
- My latest fave in tracking covid-19 outbreaks is
- Apparently, Amazon asked their employees to remove Tik-Tok from their phones – then said it was an error. I’m sure there will be more to this story.