bookmark_borderFive for Friday – July 10, 2020

Here we go again

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – July 3, 2020

Another week of random stuff. Let’s see if anything is interesting…

  • There’s a pair of excellent articles from the team at Slack about a recent incident and how they handled it. A Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day at Slack, and All Hands on Deck
  • I think I mentioned last week that I’m learning Rust (for no particular reason). I’m enjoying using codewars for random kata.
  • It’s too bad that this is the last season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D – it’s a fantastic show
  • Speaking of television, I’ve been a long time user of youtube tv – but there’s a lot of discussion this week about their recent price change. While I can certainly afford the change, it’s enough of a change that it’s made me realize that I don’t really have any need for live tv streaming. Between the ESPN bundle I get with Disney+, plus locast, I realized I’ve just been wasting my money.
  • I, for one, am completely unsurprised that Dr. Fauci says that he’s “concerned”. Cover your face, stay farther apart than you think you need to, and stop being stupid.
    Please stay safe and healthy.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – June 26, 2020

I like to think that this FfF series (which has lasted a long time now), is an eclectic slice of the internet – but it was cool last week when one of my links was posted by someone who actually reads this thing.

Pretty cool – let’s see if I can do it again.

  • I finally read the latest Patrick Lencioni book, Motive – which sums up a lot of the ideas in some of his previous books. It’s on the short side, but worth the effort, as the points it makes are relevant and fantastic.
  • In Corona news, looks like the results of stupidity in my home country are coming to fruition – The U.S. Has Officially Unflattened the Curve With Its Worst Day of the Coronavirus Pandemic Yet
  • I have a software patent or two. I don’t remember exactly what they’re for, but I’m pretty sure it’s not that unique of an idea. My experience with the patent process was that they don’t look really hard, and although I’m pretty much positive my patent has been “infringed” – I don’t care. Here’s another take – Software patents are another kind of disease
  • I’m not sure how to pull this off myself, but this article on Implementing a No Meeting Day really gave me a lot to think about.
  • For no reason in particular, I began learning Rust last weekend. I’ve kept at it for 30-40 minutes a day, and I’m becoming a bit of a fan.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – Juneteenth, 2020

Happy Juneteenth everyone – I hope you all find your own way to celebrate today. Here are some interesting things I found on the internet this week.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – June 12, 2020

Here’s a few interesting things to read this week.

  • Unity has made Juneteenth a yearly company holiday. Here’s some history of the day.
  • A former colleague of mine, Sue Loh, has an evil plan to save the world. I’ve read the book, and it’s a fun read (even for an adult). Please check it out.
  • I was talking with quite a few people this week about “chance meetings” – and how we’re missing them with everyone wfh. Was happy to see this article telling me how wrong I am.
  • CHAZ already has a wikipedia page – for those not in Seattle, this is just outside of downtown, and it’s been peaceful ever since the police left
  • Well, this is a mess. Recent Windows 10 updates block programs from running

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – June 5, 2020

No intro or text this week – just links. I just can’t.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – May 29, 2020

This has been one of the most fucked up weeks I can remember. I hope everyone reading this is doing well and staying safe – I only hope I can provide a few minutes of distraction.

  • First up – and the item weighing heavily on me right now is everything going on in Minnesota. I just gave a substantial donation to Minnesota Freedom Fund – if you care about what’s going on – and have the means, I encourage you to donate what you can
  • I’m a firm believer that product quality starts with team culture – and that psychological safety is a huge part of that. This article on Building Psychological Safety is a good introduction to the topic
  • I just read Always Day One – which along with some ideas from big tech companies on staying fresh, contained this all too accurate quote about what’s often called Microsoft’s lost decade. While there are exceptions, a lot of this culture still exists (or at least existed 3 years ago)

    Microsoft was different. Under its then-CEO Steve Ballmer, who rose through the sales function, the company was bureaucratic and slow, and clung to the past. Focused on protecting its lucrative legacy businesses, Windows and Office, Microsoft prioritized profit over invention, developing a command-and-control culture that optimized for the short term. The alpha males running Windows—the dominant desktop operating system in the age of personal computers—almost always got their way.
  • I always find something interesting in the Stack Overflow Development Survey Results – you may too
  • Finally – for something a big lighter – some genius at an amusement park put 22 Teddy Bears on a roller coaster. Enjoy.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – May 22, 2020

The days keep getting more blurred. This is the Friday before a three-day weekend. What is a weekend anyway? Here are some things I thought were interesting as I stumbled through the last week.

  • Lisa Crispin gave a talk this week comparing the Agile Test principles with the Modern Testing Principles. Not surprisingly, they overlap a lot.
  • I’m really enjoying this series on organizational silos, by Len Lagestee. Part 1 and Part 2
  • I gave a presentation at the Online Test Conference this week. My dog, who accompanies all of my office calls slept behind me, but made it into a few tweets about the conference. She and I have spent a lot of time the last few weeks exploring these trails and enjoying a little aimless wandering during these times.
  • I forgot to mention this last week, but I started an AB Testing instagram account. It’s low traffic, but just a little more marketing for the podcast
  • A long, long time ago, I tested text rendering on Windows, and learned way too much about fonts and font rendering. I avoid paying attention to a lot of that stuff today, but still found this article on font rendering in Chromium on Catalina – specifically the discussion of a regression and fix.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – May 15, 2020

Here we go again…

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – May 8, 2020

The days are all blurring together – but I still found some things worth sharing.