I’m still here. In the same chair as last week. And the week before. And…forever.
But here’s some stuff worth sharing to keep me distracted.
- Recent ABT343 guest and a Unity colleague, Melissa Eaden was on a webinar this week discussing Practical Applications of Modern Testing Principles
- I realized today that since I’ve been home, I really only use my macbook for podcast recording. But still worth sharing is this link that I saw in @codinghorror’s timeline about …just read the answer – I don’t know how to summarize
- Will Machine Learning roles exist in 10 years? I don’t think so either.
- I stumbled across this site from Safiire full of great stories of debugging (mostly CTF type puzzles).
- If you’ve been in meetings with me – or you saw me at Testbash Home this week, you probably met Terra (my dog). I was happy to meet Brody this week when he crashed a weather reporters video and became internet-famous.