The days keep getting more blurred. This is the Friday before a three-day weekend. What is a weekend anyway? Here are some things I thought were interesting as I stumbled through the last week.
- Lisa Crispin gave a talk this week comparing the Agile Test principles with the Modern Testing Principles. Not surprisingly, they overlap a lot.
- I’m really enjoying this series on organizational silos, by Len Lagestee. Part 1 and Part 2
- I gave a presentation at the Online Test Conference this week. My dog, who accompanies all of my office calls slept behind me, but made it into a few tweets about the conference. She and I have spent a lot of time the last few weeks exploring these trails and enjoying a little aimless wandering during these times.
- I forgot to mention this last week, but I started an AB Testing instagram account. It’s low traffic, but just a little more marketing for the podcast
- A long, long time ago, I tested text rendering on Windows, and learned way too much about fonts and font rendering. I avoid paying attention to a lot of that stuff today, but still found this article on font rendering in Chromium on Catalina – specifically the discussion of a regression and fix.