An Angry Weasel Hiatus

I mentioned this on twitter a few times, but should probably mention it here for completeness.

I’m taking a break.

I’m taking a break from blogging, twitter, and most of all, my day job. Beyond July 4, 2014, I’ll be absent from the Microsoft campus for a few months– and most likely from social media as well. While I can guarantee my absence from MS, I may share on twitter…we’ll just have to see.

The backstory is that Microsoft offers a an award – a “sabbatical” for employees of a certain career stage and career history. I received my award nine years ago, but haven’t used it yet…but now’s the time – so I’m finally taking ~9 weeks off beginning just after the 4th of July, and concluding in early September.

Now – hanging out at home for two months would be fun…but that’s not going to cut it for this long awaited break. Instead, I’ll be in the south of France (Provence) for most of my break before spending a week in Japan on my way back to reality.

I probably won’t post again until September. I’m sure I have many posts waiting on the other side.



  1. Have a great break Alan, you’ve more than earned it I’m sure. I just got back from a week in Maui, and boy was it needed and it did help. Best to you on your trip.

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