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It’s Friday, and it’s time to share five things I thought were interesting this week.
- I spent last weekend at DefCon (where thankfully, I did not pick up the infamous “Covid Badge”). I did, however, pick up a custom add-on to the DefCon electronic badge from my old colleague, Kevin – and it’s awesome.
- A lot of head-nodding in this article on How Scrum Masters (and Managers) Go Astray By Committing to Plans (and reminded me a lot of my thinking on the topic)
- IEEE has a new update to their Developer Productivity series: Developer Productivity for Humans, Part 7: Software Quality that’s worth a read,
- Buried in this story on The shortest, strangest engineering interview I’ve ever done are a lot of good ideas on interviewing – as well as a few laughs.
- Finally, I read this article on How to Plan Team Re-Organization – which I like a lot because it matches strongly with the way I like to think about these things.
That’s all for this week – I’ll try again in seven days or so.
I really wanted to get deeper and into that predicting the unpredictable and then being measured on it piece but alas, Medium has gotten greedy and doesn’t think sharing our stories should be free, so I didn’t get to read the good stuff (and being unemployed I’m not adding more monthly payments to my life)
But thanks for sharing Alan, appreciate you
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