A day late this week, but just pretend you lost track of time like I did. Here’s some stuff I liked this week.
- I’m continuing to wrap my head a bit around the SPACE framework from Nicole Forsgren, but this article has a nice pragmatic view.
- I’ve been playing quite a bit of Steamworld Dig 2 lately, and as a fan of metroidvania games in general, this one is a lot of fun.
- Raymond Chen was (is) a legend at Microsoft. I still check out his blog frequently, and this post on how Janet Jackson had the power to crash laptop computers is an example of the 1000s of fascinating stories he has.
- I was reading this article and wondering why I was nodding my head so much. It’s because Camille Fournier wrote it. The Product Culture Shift.
- I’m not sure what to make of it, but The US, UK, and EU Want to Regulate Cloud Reliability – but this article is helping. We’ll see what happens.
Sorry again for the late post – have a great week.