Five for Friday – December 8

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It’s the FfF Moscow edition (I’m here for the Heisenbug conference.

  • As I approach my one year mark at Unity (and hopefully established a small bit of credibility), I’m beginning to push a bit harder on some topics. I’m reminded of this quote from Colin Powell, who says, “…leadership is sometimes about being willing to piss people off“. I’ve heard the substance of this phrase in many forms, so whenever I see it, it reminds me that making often change requires friction…and that’s ok.
  • I’m (finally) reading Principles by Ray Dalio. His story is interesting, but the way he approaches life and work is truly inspiring. Bonus quote this week (from above web site): “Principles are ways of successfully dealing with reality to get what you want out of life.
  • I visited a nuclear protection bunker in Moscow this week. Amazing to have such a structure so far under ground.
  • I have a minor addiction to the Advent of Code. I’ve completed the puzzles through day 8. Several times, I’ve looked at the puzzle, and declared, “nope – too hard”, and closed the web page, but I keep going back and plowing through the puzzles. Despite working at Microsoft for so long, I never really had a chance to write much c#, but for this project, I’ve been using Visual Studio on Mac to write c# solutions, and have been having fun learning the language and solving the problems.
  • Seattle is getting a Hockey Team (potentially). Too many commitments these days to drive to Vancouver to watch the Canucks, but I’m excited that we may have a NHL team here someday.

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