Welp – it’s been another one of those weeks. Here’s some stuff I found that helped me get by.
- I’m still on a fiction break. This week, I read Ready Player Two – and it wasn’t bad. I definitely enjoyed the first book more, but this one was enjoyable and a good read (and I’m a sucker for all of the 80s pop culture references)
- A lot of you may have heard me talk about how World of Warcraft and self-organizing teams are similar (I call it the World of Warcraft guide to Project Management). Here’s a recent post with a very similar (and more in depth) take.
- Another great article talking about the rise of the chief of staff role.
- This article on why we need data engineers and not data scientists is well-written, logical, and IMO about time someone wrote this.
- This is the last FfF I’ll ever write during the presidency of the worst human being ever to hold the office. If you’re out of the loop, read this to see how fucked up things are in the U.S. right now.