As I write this, feds are descending on our poor liberal city to help protect us from coffee overdoses and hacky-sack eye injuries. We’ll see how the weekend goes. Here’s some stuff to read if we survive.
- John Cutler wrote a nice follow up to a three-year-old post – 12 Signs You’re Working in a Feature Factory — 3 Years Later
- It’s no secret that I’m not a scrum fan, and I’m not afraid to call it “agile for people who don’t want to be agile”. A slightly less controversial – but valid stance hit my reading list this week. 5 things I hate about Scrum
- I LOVE a good incident retro. Here’s what happened last week when the internet was broken – Cloudflare outage on July 17, 2020
- I don’t always make fun of Microsoft (but ftr, I’ve earned that right). This article on some data analysis on wide-spread wfh is good.
- Finally – on a whim – and with only a short notice, we livecast the latest recording of the AB Testing podcast (which you can watch if you want. The edited version will also appear in your podcast app on Monday).