Five for Friday – July 26, 2024

Often, I type this thing up before Friday and schedule it to publish. I did this last week, and failed to say anything about the fun with Crowd Strike. As annoying as the bug was/is, I’m 10x more annoyed by the internet peanut gallery all chiming in on how this bug “never would have happened on their watch”.

Anyway – here’s some stuff to read.

  • Jason Arbon wrote one of the few sensible articles on the Crowd Strike madness. AI is involved, so that’s saying something. AI’s Testplan for CrowdStrike.
  • The Stack Overflow Dev Survey results are out – nothing surprising, but interesting anyway.
  • I’m always interested in security articles, so this article on getting deleted repos from github was worth the read…but you have to know a FULL FREAKING HASH to exploit it, so as I see it, it’s equal to “hacking” someone’s credit card after they post a picture of it on facebook.
  • I don’t often link to articles from product teams, but I like the take on incident metrics from Rootly.
  • I finally finished Kara Swisher’s latest book, Burn Notice. I liked it – but I think mostly because I really like Kara Swisher. It’s a bit of an auto-biography of her time in tech, and has an ample portion of good stories and personal anecdotes.

Hope you found something interesting here – see you in a week. Or this weekend if you read my stuff on The Weasel Speaks.

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