Last week was one of those weeks where someone could write a FfF post – and then forget to actually post it…you know – hypothetically. This week is…better, but possibly because I took Thursday and today off. Here are some things I liked this week.
- Either the thing I love about the pacific northwest – or more possibly, the thing that keeps me here, is proximity to hiking and biking. It’s about a 15 minute drive from my driveway to the parking lot at Tiger Mountain. I went there yesterday and had a chance to ride Side Hustle for the first time – and it is one of the best trails I’ve ever ridden.
- Once again, the results from the Stack Overflow Developer Survey are out. One thing that stood out to me was the time developers spend, per-day on searching for answers.
- I enjoyed this article on how Covid shifted the balance of power in the workplace
- This link is to a podcast – but there’s a transcription, so you can still read it. Will Larson (author of Staff Engineer, and An Elegant Puzzle) was recently on the Engineering Enablement Podcast with some great insights.
- A team member recommended a book early this week – which I consequently devoured over the last few days. If you know someone going through layoffs – either being laid off, or being a “survivor” of a company layoff, I highly recommend Healing the Wounds: Overcoming the Trauma of Layoffs and Revitalizing Downsized Organizations
And that’s all for this week! This time, I’m pretty sure I can post this on Friday. Thanks again for reading, and have a great weekend.