The days are all blurring together – but I still found some things worth sharing.
- I’m presenting at the Online Test Conference – it’s free, it’s well run, and it’s happening May 19th-21st..
- Gregory Paciga had a nice post recently on naming tests – Don’t “check” or “verify” in your tests
- I stumbled across Deadlock Empire this week – it’s an interactive game that helps you understand just how easy it is for deadlocks to occur on multithreaded systems
- A lot of people have read the Basecamp Shape-Up book. It’s good, but there’s enough I don’t quite like that I only recommend it with caveats. That said, I like Scrum much less than I like Shape Up – but I still found this article –Basecamp’s Shape Up: how different is it really from Scrum? interesting
- A flash from the past. Zork