Five for Friday – November 16, 2018

I think I’m at about a year of this experiment of sharing 5 things I found interesting every week. I still like it, and hope you have found at least a few interesting links here over the past year.

  • I’ve been reading Five Stars: The Communication Secrets to Get from Good to Great (I’m also reading a few other things, and I really need to stop the habit of reading several books at once). It makes the point that communication and storytelling are critical to self-development.
  • Here is a highly (and sadly) accurate list of the 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective Managers.
  • Interesting article from Greg Paciga on Rethinking Velocity.
  • Unity won an Emmy for Baymax Dreams. I’m in no way connected to the work, but still very proud.
  • As I type this, the bookshelf behind me contains hundreds of Marvel comics – most from when I read and collected in the 1970s and 1980s. As I’m sure everyone knows, Stan Lee died this week. His work remains a huge part of my life, and while I know a lot of people know him mainly for his cameos in Marvel movies, his greatest cameo is more likely his appearance in all of our lives.


  1. Hi Alan, I certainly have, I think this is a great idea. Don’t stop! I look forward to reading it every Monday morning đŸ™‚

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