My day job is busier than normal these days, so this week flew by. A few interesting articles dropped into my view – maybe you’ll find them interesting as well.
- Self plug time – Unity Gaming Services are now available – a lot of folks on my team were an integral part of making this happen.
- If you are familiar with NPS (Net Promoter Score), you probably already know that it comes with pros and cons. Here’s a bit of how NPS can grow with NPS 3.0
- I enjoyed this article on how to learn the Feynman way (tl;dr – learn it well enough that you could explain it to anyone).
- Oh sorry – another HBR article. If you’re not a member, either join, or use an incognito/private window. This article on 5 Things High Performing Teams do Differently kicks ass
- I like it when companies are transparent with their outages and errors. Too often (like this article), we gloss over the learning opportunity by referring to a operational mistake as a “server glitch”
That’s all I have this week – thanks for reading yet again.