What a week it’s been (and how many times has that been true in the last few years). Somehow, among eight million other things, I still manage to stumble across a few tidbits from time to time worth sharing. Here’s this week’s attempt at that endeavor.
- It’s a sad week for the world with the passing of the Queen of England. Despite her being a fixture for my entire life (and decades before that), there’s a lot I didn’t know. Here is one such list of ‘things about the Queen’.
- Given my time working for a $bigco, I pick and choose what to borrow, and how to make some of their ideas work in practice. As such, I kinda really liked this article on Putting Amazon’s PR/FAQ to Practice
- A lot of good advice here on The best product planning approach does not focus on plans
- Brent and I have been talking a bit about how A/B Testing is testing (and maybe the only testing we want to do). Interestingly, I found this article with some thoughts on the idea. A/B Testing: What is it and How can it Help your QA team?
- Most people don’t realize how difficult the internet can be. For example, http-http-http-http-http-http-http/ is a valud url
I’m off for a long hike this weekend – I’ll try to remember to share photos next week. Have a great week, take care of yourselves, and be nice to others.