I may have mentioned this on the old blog, but I’m pretty sure I haven’t mentioned it here yet. O’Reilly media recently released Beautiful Testing – a collection of essays from a variety of testing professionals (including yours truly).
I received my copy over the weekend (much to the annoyance, I’m sure, of several other authors who are about to rebel against the empire if their copies don’t show up soon). I’m happy to have mine, and although I read the entire book in digital format, I’ve been flipping through it off and on for the last 3 days. I’m thrilled to be a part of it, but I have to tell you that I’m more excited after reading it again and finally holding it in my hands. The variety of information, styles, and knowledge is fascinating – each one opening up different possibilities and questions to ponder. It’s a fun read that I hope you check out. Best yet, the proceeds from the book all go to buying mosquito nets to help prevent malaria in Africa – what a great opportunity to get some practical testing advice and help out those in need!
The thing about this book that is unexpected is how inspiring it is! It is a GREAT read. You know how some books get kind of dull and drawn out? Well, each person has such a short space that the goodness is condensed, so it’s like a variety pack of goodness. If you aren’t relating to one author as much, POW, the next one draws you in.
Most readable testing book ever. This is going next to “the bible” on my shelf. The Bible of course, is Testing Computer Software, which is the “how” overview, this book is a strong argument of “why” so far (not done with it yet), stated in a way that will reach anyone who cares about testing.