Friday got away from me again. Between World cup soccer and budget exercises, my brain blew up. I feel a bit better today, and have a few interesting posts to share.
- It’s an interesting world cup already this year, and that’s before I heard that the Camel pageant is among World Cup’s sidelines attractions
- Repeat link from last year (and the year before that…) – it’s Advent of Code time. First few days are always good warmups.
- I had a reasonable amount of head-nodding in this article on building a vision for your platform teams
- Speaking of platform orgs, another head-nodder in What developer self-service shouldn’t look like
- Every month or so, there’s another good article on psychological safety. Here is this month’s rendition. Follow these 4 steps to create psychological safety in your teams
- Oh – before I forget, I’m on mastadon. You can find me at
Time to go watch some more soccer – have a great week.