This is the last FfF for 2021 – I’m going to take a few weeks with as little computer time as possible. I’ll be playing Halo Infinite and Fallout 4, reading some of my kindle backlog, and keeping up with new episodes of Hawkeye, The Expanse, and Wheel of Time.
In the meantime – here are some links you may have missed.
- I’m giving a webinar in January on moving past Modern Testing. You can register here.
- This article on Why Intuitive Troubleshooting Has Stopped Working for You hits so many things right on the head with the challenges in diagnosing errors in distributed systems.
- A(nother) great article from Chris Denning on 3 Warning Signs you aren’t communicating well with executives
- If you’re curious about the right way to use OKRs, Christina Wodtke’s Radical Focus is a wonderful book for this. Her recent blog post on the topic is a great addition to her work and recommended.
- Want to know more about Web3? Here’s some good background to start with. The Web3 fraud.
Thanks for reading – see you all in 2022.