Someone asked me recently how long I’ve been doing FfF posts. I wasn’t sure, so I had to look it up. The answer is “over five years”. First one of these was in October, 2017 – boy how things have changed since then. But the five random things from my browsing history continues this week…
- We may as well lead with a good one, and something that I’ve kept open. The Hidden Toll of Microstress.
- I’m a sucker for insightful articles on Psychological Safety, so this one on Work as Imagined vs Work as Done pushes a lot of the right buttons for me.
- I’ve done weekly summary emails off and on in different flavors over my three…fuck…decades in software dev. Sometimes they’re awesome, and sometimes they’re awful. This article on Why You Should Send a Weekly Summary Email is some good food for thought on the subject.
- I feel like the world is now filled with people playing with chat gpt, but with very few of those people actually getting value from it. I’m tired of people “breaking it” and showing how it’s wrong, so I want to highlight at least one article that shows how people are using it to help them.
- Because you need this. Spaghetti-fy your code right from VS Code.
Thanks for reading – see you soon.