bookmark_borderFive for Friday – September 9, 2022

What a week it’s been (and how many times has that been true in the last few years). Somehow, among eight million other things, I still manage to stumble across a few tidbits from time to time worth sharing. Here’s this week’s attempt at that endeavor.

I’m off for a long hike this weekend – I’ll try to remember to share photos next week. Have a great week, take care of yourselves, and be nice to others.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – September 2, 2022

We made it to September. I’ve been going to the office a bit more, doing a small bit of traveling, and hoping the world can get to a better state. Here are some interesting articles I found this week.

That’s it for this week. If you have a long weekend, enjoy it. See you in a week.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – August 26, 2022

Greetings from the wrong side of the country. I’m in the middle of a quick family trip and it seemed like a perfect time to let you know what’s been filling my brain this week.

  • Free can’t last forever – Heroku is discontinuing their free plans – which is a bit of a bummer, but I’m not mad. They probably have a million people like me that run one app. I think a migration to AWS will be pretty straightforward, and free isn’t discontinued for several more months, so I guess it’s just one more item to put on the To Do list
  • I read this article on why Devs don’t want to do Ops – which reminded me in the first half of similar articles on why devs don’t want to do testing, but the answer is the same. Build platforms and tools that make it very easy for them to do Ops (and testing, for that matter)
  • Possibly two years late, but still a great article on how to end video calls without being a jerk.
  • If you’ve become a closet law voyeur like me, here’s a copy of the redacted affidavit regarding the mar-a-lago search
  • I originally wrote several paragraphs for this bullet, but I’m defaulting to the shorter version. Like at least a million other people, I’ve been playing WE, the new Arcade Fire album on repeat for most of the last month. I wasn’t really an Arcade Fire fan before (I listened to Funeral a few times when it came out (like everyone else)), but this recording is the first album from any artist that I’ve really connected with. YMMV, but I think it’s great.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday, August 19th, 2022

A day late this week, but just pretend you lost track of time like I did. Here’s some stuff I liked this week.

Sorry again for the late post – have a great week.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – August 12, 2022

Today has been an interesting day in American politics. Not sure what happens next, but I hope it gets better.

Here are a few things I found this week that I thought were interesting.

That’s it for me – I’m spending most of the rest of the day spam refreshing politico to see what happens next. Wish me luck.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – August 5, 2022

I’m typing this week’s FfF from the Unity San Francisco office where I’ve been able to meet for the first time, people who have worked in my org for years. Fun stuff!

Meanwhile, here’s some stuff I found this week.

That’s it for this week – but who knows what else I’ll discover over the next 7 days.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – July 29, 2022

I hate to be cliché and talk about the weather, but it’s freaking hot here in the pacific northwest. I hope everyone is staying cool and safe. Here’s some stuff to read while you melt.

  • Going to lead off this week with two links on Modern Testing. First is a great article from Laura de Paz on the Modern Testing World. It’s an overview written far better than anything Brent or I could have done.
  • There’s been a bit of a twitter discussion lately on Modern Testing Principle Number 7, which reads: “We expand (testing) abilities and knowhow across the team; understanding that this may reduce (or eliminate) the need for a dedicated testing specialist.” We knew this one would always generate some conversation, and Ben Dowen shares a good set of thoughts in The 7th Principle of Modern Testing.
  • Melissa Eaden wrote a post this week on The Treasure Maps of Committed Code that I think will be interesting to a lot of readers.
  • I really like the idea of #anonymous-dev-confessions: Putting humour in humility, and wonder if other teams or orgs do something similar.
  • Finally – I came across the Engineering Effectiveness Handbook from okay this week, and think it’s interesting and cool and has a lot of great ideas for any engineering team.

Thanks again for reading – see you next week.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – July 22, 2022

Different week – same stuff. Long time readers probably find patterns in the things I like to read (or at least the things I like to share). Here’s what I found this week.

Have a great week – see you in seven.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday, July 15

Today was a day off for Unity, so I rode Side Hustle again (link in last week’s FfF). Overall, not a horrible week for me, even though the world continues to find ways to suck. Here are a few interesting links I found this week.

Thanks again for reading – come back in a week to see what other weird or interesting things I may find.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – July 8, 2022

Last week was one of those weeks where someone could write a FfF post – and then forget to actually post it…you know – hypothetically. This week is…better, but possibly because I took Thursday and today off. Here are some things I liked this week.

  • Either the thing I love about the pacific northwest – or more possibly, the thing that keeps me here, is proximity to hiking and biking. It’s about a 15 minute drive from my driveway to the parking lot at Tiger Mountain. I went there yesterday and had a chance to ride Side Hustle for the first time – and it is one of the best trails I’ve ever ridden.
  • Once again, the results from the Stack Overflow Developer Survey are out. One thing that stood out to me was the time developers spend, per-day on searching for answers.
Time spent per day searching for answers

And that’s all for this week! This time, I’m pretty sure I can post this on Friday. Thanks again for reading, and have a great weekend.