Like last week, this week has had some ups and downs. In between the long days and questionable decisions, I found (or was sent) a few links that I liked.
- In an almost regular feature of FfF, I’ll start by sharing my favorite article on avoiding burnout this week. How To Make 2023 Your Year of No Burnout
- This article – When Your Feelings Conflict with Your Leadership Role – hit home with me. A lot to learn here for a lot of us.
- I watched the first two episodes of The Last of Us on Sunday. I didn’t think I’d like it, because I generally don’t like movies based on video games, but holy shit is it good.
- If you’ve already seen the first two episodes, you should read more about in this all-to-real article on The Cordyceps fungus in this sort of haunting article (thanks Molly for the link)
- I saw the new Avatar movie recently. While the plot and story are…ok, it’s definitely worth the experience in IMAX 3D. It’s also cool that it’s nominated for an Oscar in visual effects (which are made with Unity W?t? tools)
Thanks again for reading – see you all next week.