Happy New Year everyone! It was great to have a break, but I bet you can’t wait to see what bits of the internet I’ve uncovered for you.
Or you’re here to see if I’m going to get people on linkedin angry at me again. Either way – here are some links to things I’ve enjoyed recently.
- Speaking of Linkedin, a colleague of mine shared a great post this week on how she managed our planning process for 2023. She makes it sound easy, but from the front lines, she was a jedi master of organization and cat herding.
- A lot of companies are trying to get people to come back to the office – but it’s just not happening. This article on how Remote Work Is Poised to Devastate America’s Cities is on point, and something I’ve been thinking a lot about.
- Will Larson (author of An Elegant Puzzle and Staff Engineer) shared his thoughts on Measuring an engineering organization
- I’ve been playing with Whisper from OpenAI for voice transcriptions, and it’s sort of amazing. It doesn’t separate speakers (as far as I can tell), so I can’t quite use it for AB Testing Podcast transcriptions, but it’s still pretty cool.
- Finally, a fantastic article on Things they didn’t teach you about Software Engineering. Especially remember this – (and replace “code” with any aspect of software delivery) – Code is secondary. Business value is first.
Thanks again for reading – see you next week. Don’t forget to check out my old-school opinionated blog posts on substack