Different week – same stuff. Long time readers probably find patterns in the things I like to read (or at least the things I like to share). Here’s what I found this week.
- I really enjoyed this article on How Google SRE and Developers Collaborate
- Like a lot of Americans, I have paid a lot more attention to politics over the past 8-10 years. Turns out it’s not just me – The Professional Has Become Political.
- A sad and informative story on a $46,000 web redesign…for 3 pages.
- Angela Riggs has hosted a(nother) nice article from Mojtaba Hosseini on the Hierarchy of Metrics (a previous post from Mojtaba on Pitfalls of Metrics is also very good
- Michael Lopp is a much, much better writer than me, but we have one thing in common. We both hate our early writing. He writes about his experience in Just Awful Writing.
Have a great week – see you in seven.