It’s a sort-of-sunny day in the Pacific northwest, and I have the day off from work (which probably means I’m cleaning the garage today. Here are some links to ponder from my recent browser history.
- Camille Fournier posted a wonderful (and incomplete) list of skills senior engineers need, beyond coding
- Lisi Hocke wrote a wonderful brain dump of her testing journey in a letter to her future self – that I think includes some of the feelings a lot of us have had over the past year
- I don’t know if I knew about Elpha before this week, but there’s a great post from Isral Asanea on Engineering Management Principles
- I just found the Doordash engineering blog this week, and this article on how they use Machine Learning is quite good
- Between direct reports, skip level employees, and peers, I do ~15-20 1:1s a week. I came across this article on what to do when a 1:1 becomes a vent, and it had some good tips I haven’t thought of before.
See y’all next week.