Five for Friday – March 8, 2024

So much cool stuff going on that I’m not even going to talk about the State of the Union speech last night. Instead – slightly less controversial, and more geeky stuff for me to share.

That last editorial aside, this week’s FfF is complete. Have a great weekend, enjoy yourselves, and stay safe (and warm).


  1. Thanks for the feedback, Alan. I wasn’t sure that anyone else would be as fascinated by punch card tabulators as I was. That’s a part of our roots that I was surprised to see that we hardly ever talk about.

  2. OKRs are just Grove’s Intel’s take on how to do Drucker’s Management By Objectives. That article meanders a bit and says nothing about it.

    A better refutation is from Deming’s perspective. Given your ancient history in testing, it may appeal to you:

    This recent conversation in HN applies, too:

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