Here are some of the interesting things that passed my way this week.
- I thought this article from Hotjar on “The 10 lessons we learned launching (& killing) our $200K mobile app” was a really interesting read (thanks
Perze ). The learning here align quite well with Modern Testing - I’d think this article about the making of the latest Google Halloween doodle would be interesting even if Unity weren’t part of the story.
- Money doesn’t buy happiness – meaningful work does. 9 Out of 10 People Are Willing to Earn Less Money to Do More-Meaningful Work
- Camille Fournier (author of The Manager’s Path) posted I Hate Manager Readmes – it’s worth reading to hear her opinion, but to
me it reads sort of like the articles that say Agile sucks because when you do it wrong it doesn’t work. The problem isn’t in the readme concept – it’s in some of the execution in creating these. Mine (which was written pre-readme-fad) is here. - I posted this link a year ago, but it’s worth posting every year at this time. The Advent of Code (a fun daily programming challenge) begins December 1