Five for Friday – November 27, 2020

Once again – here are a few things to share from my week.

  • I read Malcom Gladwell’s Talking to Strangers this week – it was good, but even better than I expected. As usual with a Gladwell book, a lot of insights and great story telling
  • The latest State of Devops report is out. I always find these interesting.
  • I’ve been away from any serious code for a while, but TIL about git switch and git restore.
  • I mostly stay out of the test community on twitter these days – I’d love to say it was because I wanted to create space, but it’s mostly because I just don’t think about many of those things as much as I used to. I did to a lot of reflection today, however, after reading this article from Fiona Charles.
  • And finally, WTF, Microsoft?


  1. Talking to Strangers got me thinking about Agile testing…if we are too close to the team (which is the whole goal of having QA as part of the team) do we risk developing the same familiarity bias that impact those regulators who covered Bernie Madoff.

    I’ve been working with my team to figure out how we can maintain that objectivity while still being a member of the team.

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