I’m back home and feeling *almost* healthy. I seemed to have caught a cold on my return trip (multiple negative covid tests – both pcr and antigen) – it seems weird that I think it’s necessary to say that, but it’s the world we live in. Here are some things I’ve found interesting this week.
- I’m unable to express my excitement about Seattle hosting some World Cup 2026 matches. I will attend everything I can in Seattle, but may also see if I can book tickets in some other North American cities. I can’t wait.
- I enjoyed this article on What Leaders Get Wrong About Resilience. The article has a lot of great advice and things to think about.
- I know I share a lot of Michael Lopp (Rands in Repose) articles, but they’re all so good. This one, while on the surface is about layoffs, is really about the importance of explaining how hard decisions are made. I spend a lot of time doing this myself, but this article reminded me how critical this is.
- Nothing we don’t already know in this article on why linkedin is no longer a professional networking site, but it captures my feelings well.
Another week completed. Stay safe.
- I’m a huge Sonos fan, and was amused to hear that a software issue caused them to send people extra speakers in their orders. Apparently, they gave up on asking for returns and stopped asking people to return them. It’s an interesting story for interesting times.
I like the last statement in the post about LinkedIn – “If everyone is selling, who is buying? Think about it.”
I don’t know anyone who has bought a product or service because someone sent them a message on LinkedIn.