We have made it to another Friday. Air quality in the bright green pacific northwest got to pretty unhealthy levels this week, but it’s better (finally) today. I feel like I’ve been licking a dustpan. On the times when i could see my computer screen through the haze, here’s what I found this week.
- First off – big news this week is that the Midnights dropped this week. You know you want to listen…
Who am I kidding – you’re probably already on your 20th playthrough. - Not a new article, but new to me – I am faaaar from an Amazon fanboy, but they get a few things right, and I think their planning process is one of them.
- So, ummm…speaking of companies that I don’t admire completely, but that I’m willing to call out the good stuff, Satya continues to do and say good things for Microsoft (now if he only could clean out the old guard). Microsoft’s remote-work-friendly CEO puts his finger on the big problem with working from home.
- I just found about FutureForum.com this week – but the research there is amaze-balls. Check out this research (that underscores Satya’s points as well)
- Shit – number 5 already? Well, I can’t supply nothing but love for the big guys, so I’ll just mention that people are pretty pissed that the GitHub AI bot has used their code. GitHub Users Want to Sue Microsoft For Training an AI Tool With Their Code.
Have a great week – see you in seven days.