Back for another week – remember, if you would like an email version of FfF, you can sign up here (nvm – it’s broken again)
- Charity Majors shared a fantastic deck on continuous delivery – worth checking out.
- Two from fellow today, becuase I don’t think I ever called out the Super Managers podcast. Every time I get a new episode, I think – “I don’t know if I’ll like this one or not”, and every time, I’m wrong.
- I was thinking of Fellow, because they just published a heavily researched piece on meetings that I will find ongoing value with. Note – the link requires an email address, so do with that what you will.
- This article on the power of self-organizing teams feels like it was pulled from by brain – I found myself nodding and smiling all the way through the read.
- Pluralsight is free in April, and there’s probably something there worth looking into.