Early edition this week before I jump on a 10 hour flight home.
- An interesting article on the dark side of expertise
- Mot of you have heard of Google’s Testing on the Toilet initiative (one pagers on testing and engineering posted on stall doors). Now, here’s an academic paper on the topic
- For a decade (or two?), I’ve found value in code check-in metrics. Noah Sussman has a fantastic article exploring this topic
- I attended an internal conference this week, where I gave presentations on achieving quality without qa, developing a quality culture, and co-presented a root-cause analysis workshop. You can get a brief recap by viewing the #unityqweek hashtag on twitter
- I don’t agree with this article – Monoliths are the future – but there are interesting points. Coincidentally, I recently read Team Topologies (I’ll share quotes in a future FfF), and for me, it definitely set my frame for reading this article.