Back again, and once again, if you’d like to receive this post via email, you can sign up here. Here are some things you should know this week.
- First – I wrote another article for TestProject – this one on Testing and the Road to Quality. I’m happy to say that with this article nobody (so far) has asked if I’m referring to “testing” or “checking”)
- I forget where I read, “The best time to give feedback is yesterday. The second best time is now”- but this article on giving feedback embodies that statement along with a lot of great advice.
- Speaking of feedback – this is a great article on owning your own 1:1. Again, a ton of great advice.
- I love when people find cool ways to do useless things. Like this.
- I’m sick of guns being more important than voting. Here’s one of many articles with the same opinion.
See you all next week!