bookmark_borderFive for Friday – November 19, 2021

Well this is weird. Due to some other appointments, I am writing this from a Unity Office. It’s been just under two years since I’ve worked from an office, and…I’m just not sure what to make of it. Anyway – here’s some stuff to read while I ponder this strange setting.

  • Cool article from the backstage team on measuring productivity (my fave – days to 10th PR)
  • While I’m plugging vendors, github also have a nice article (presentation?) this week on Writing and Shipping Code Faster
  • This article captures (at a extremely high level), planning processes at some major companies. Not enough here to take any action, but I still found it interesting.
  • Happy to see that a lot of companies (including Unity!) are embracing a hybrid model allowing flexibility in returning to work…someday. The Apple hybrid model has had a lot of press this week, but I’m not really impressed (4 weeks of wfh/remote, but still required days in the office) – I think it’s too much.
  • In my opinion, there haven’t been nearly enough convictions in the aftermath of January 6 (especially at the politician level), but at least one of the terrorists has has plead guilty and sentenced.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – November 12, 2021

Another week that was just a bit too busy for me. Here’s some stuff I found – once again – worth giving a read.

That’s all – short and sweet. We’ll see what happens next week.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – November 5, 2021

How in the hell is it November already – again? It’s time for your weekly peak into my open tabs.

That’s all I have for this week – or as many as I could post before I ran out of fingers to count them on. We’ll see what I find next week.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – October 29, 2021

Hi again everyone – here are a few links I found this week that I like.

Hope you found something you liked – if not, hey, it’s free.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – October 22, 2021

My day job is busier than normal these days, so this week flew by. A few interesting articles dropped into my view – maybe you’ll find them interesting as well.

  • Self plug time – Unity Gaming Services are now available – a lot of folks on my team were an integral part of making this happen.
  • If you are familiar with NPS (Net Promoter Score), you probably already know that it comes with pros and cons. Here’s a bit of how NPS can grow with NPS 3.0
  • I enjoyed this article on how to learn the Feynman way (tl;dr – learn it well enough that you could explain it to anyone).
  • Oh sorry – another HBR article. If you’re not a member, either join, or use an incognito/private window. This article on 5 Things High Performing Teams do Differently kicks ass
  • I like it when companies are transparent with their outages and errors. Too often (like this article), we gloss over the learning opportunity by referring to a operational mistake as a “server glitch”

That’s all I have this week – thanks for reading yet again.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – October 15, 2021

Hey everyone – it’s me again with some stuff I liked from the Internet this week

That’s all this week (sorry for the heavier than normal Medium load). See you next week

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – October 8, 2021

Back for another week full of random links from everyone’s second favorite mad rodent.

That’s all for this week. Feeling cute – may record a podcast later.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – October 1, 2021

We made it through another week. Sort of. Between this, that, and some really gnarly other stuff, here are a few links I found that you may find interesting as well.

  • In teams I lead, I do as much as I can to ensure a culture of transparency, accountability, and psychological safety. As such, I’m always interested in articles and research like this, that discuss workplace toxicity
  • The PNSQC Conference Program is out. This has always been one of my favorite conferences for discussing Quality (and not just testing). It’s worth checking out.
  • I’ve been re-reading this article on self-service models for platform teams, and like a lot of what it has to say.
  • This article on teams as networks resonated a lot with me as well.
  • I’m probably behind a lot of you, but I just discovered ohmyzsh and it’s made my mac terminal a lot more fun.

That’s all 5 for this week – I’ll try it again in a week.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – September 24

Back for another week of random links and interesting articles from the internet.

See you next week.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – September 17, 2021

Because more than ever, all I do is what my calendar and Todoist tell me to do, it’s time for me to spit out. a few things I liked this week from the internet.

I hope you found something you like – see you next week.