bookmark_borderFive for Friday – July 16, 2021

I took the week off from work this week, and the week flew by far more quickly than I expected. Here’s some stuff worth sharing.

  • I got up early on Monday morning and hiked up Mt. Si, and made it to this breakfast spot by 8:00 am.
  • I took Friday’s off for a month straight last summer. I was more productive, and more rested, and I think the 4-day work week should be “a thing”. This study agrees.
  • After sitting on my kindle for over a year, I’m finally reading Sapiens. It’s a little dry in places, but overall, completely fascinating and poignant.
  • Never realized it was worth mentioning until it didn’t work for a few days this week, but the Boost app for Reddit on Android is fantastic, and worth the download (and it’s working again)
  • Finally, something I can relate to – The Snowball Effect of Procrastination

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – July 9, 2021

We made it through another week, and things continue to look slightly brighter. Here are a few things I found this week:

See you all next week.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – July 2, 2021

  • It’s the beginning of a 4-day weekend – Now that the weather is more manageable in the Seattle area,I’ll probably go on a hike or two this weekend. The Hike Finder Map from is a great way to discover new trails.
  • The TestBash Home 2021 talks are up (including mine), on the “future” of test automation.
  • I’m a sucker for articles that describe what senior/principal/staff ICs do – this one from a tech lead at Facebook is concise, but good
  • Loved this article on mapping out your services. Here be Dragons!
  • In case you somehow missed it, you should know about Github Copilot

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – June 25, 2021

It’s been a weird week as I see more and more unmasked people milling about, but while still unnerving, it’s nice to see and end approaching. Here are some covid-free articles I found that seem interesting.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – June 18, 2021

Hello again – for those of you who were there, the highlight of my week was definitely a 60-minute AMA with Tristan Lombard at TestBash home. Ministry Of Testing Pro members should have access to the recordings shortly.

In other world news, here are some links I thought were interesting this week

  • I’m in the generation and geographic location where I never heard of Juneteenth until a few years ago. While it pisses me off that I was taught a history of convenience, there’s still time to learn
  • Juneteenth aside, now is as good of a time as any to recommend Lies My Teacher Told Me – a fantastic read on lies, half-truths, and missing items ignored (at least for me) in school history courses.
  • Jack Black – check. Kevin Smith – check. Dungeons and Dragons – check. I’m a big fan of all three, and they’re all coming together.
  • I try not to link to every single Michael Lopp post, but his post on decision making hit really close to home. I Think in Flowcharts
  • A horrible, horrible chain of events in Finland led to a lot of lost privacy and a lot of lost trust – What Happens When Everything Goes Wrong

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – June 11, 2021

It’s a sort-of-sunny day in the Pacific northwest, and I have the day off from work (which probably means I’m cleaning the garage today. Here are some links to ponder from my recent browser history.

See y’all next week.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – June 4, 2021

Survived my second Moderna shot this week – had a few hours of general ickyness about 24 hours after the shot, but been great ever since. Here’s what I found in the meantime.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – May 28, 2021

Coming in a little late tonight. Today was a day off from work, and my non-computer errand list took up most of my day. Once again, here are a few interesting things from my week.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – May 21, 2021

Yet again, a few things I found interesting this week.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – May 14, 2021

This week flew by, but I still found a few interesting things worth sharing.

  • Microsoft (yes, Microsoft) have a great article on hybrid work that makes a lot of great points.
  • Then there’s this article talking about the ability of “geriatric millennials” to lead our new hybrid workforce. I have some arguments, but it’s interesting enough to share.
  • One of my favorite authors / books (Ray Dalio / Principles) has inspired yet-another-what-are-you-good-at assessment. If you’re interested, my main archetype in this assessment is The Explorer.
  • This is a great (and important) article on simplifying the customer journey.
  • Mississippi voters approved medical marijuana in the recent election – but the approval was voided because the Mississippi constitution requires one-fifth of signatures from each of their five congressional districts…but since 2000, they only have four congressional districts. Completely bizarre and more emphasis of what’s wrong with politics and law. Read it yourself.