bookmark_borderFive for Friday – November 27, 2020

Once again – here are a few things to share from my week.

  • I read Malcom Gladwell’s Talking to Strangers this week – it was good, but even better than I expected. As usual with a Gladwell book, a lot of insights and great story telling
  • The latest State of Devops report is out. I always find these interesting.
  • I’ve been away from any serious code for a while, but TIL about git switch and git restore.
  • I mostly stay out of the test community on twitter these days – I’d love to say it was because I wanted to create space, but it’s mostly because I just don’t think about many of those things as much as I used to. I did to a lot of reflection today, however, after reading this article from Fiona Charles.
  • And finally, WTF, Microsoft?

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – November 20, 2020

Yet another busy week in the world, but I still found a few cool things to share.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – November 13, 2020

Between crying and lying, it’s been an interesting week. Here are a few things I liked.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – November 6, 2020

You may have noticed that there was an election in the US this week.

  • Because you (or your friends and relatives) may need it – here’s the wikipedia article explaining our (U.S.) archaic process for electing presidents.
  • Like a lot of people, I don’t have cable, and was a bit worried about watching live news coverage of the election. Fortunately, I found, and it gave me everything I needed and more.
  • Some guy named Alex is now internet famous (w/ me at least) for writing a scraper to show some key stats about the elections in the remaining undecided states.
  • It’s no secret that I’m a Pat Lencioni fan. A recent concept of his that I really like is the six types of genius, and it’s worth checking out.
  • A clever software engineer named his company, “><SCRIPT SRC=HTTPS://MJT.XSS.HT> LTD (hopefully that shows up correctly when I publish this)

bookmark_borderFive for Friday, October 30, 2020

The US election is 4 days away. If you haven’t already voted – make a plan.

Here’s some new (to me) stuff this week.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – October 23, 2020

Here’s some stuff I liked this week.

  • I’m going to prepare a talk for TestFlix – you should too.
  • Speaking of presentations, I am using Pitch for my Testflix presentation – I’m not doing a lot with it, but it seems to work well
  • Once upon a time, I wrote the daylight saving time detection logic for Windows CE, and I remember doing some work to make sure it worked in every time zone. Fortunately for me, all the details of time zone oddities were in a data file (same as on “big” windows). This article on Falsehoods programmers believe about time zones is a good reminder on why this stuff is so damn hard.
  • Just in case you need it – 5 Countries to Move to if Trump Wins Again, Ranked
  • If you ever wanted to administrate your kubernetes clusters in Minecraft, now you can

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – October 16, 2020

Not sure how it is where you live, but the weather is definitely cooling off here. Some stuff I found interesting this week is below.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – October 9, 2020

Not sure if it’s possible to find anything more interesting than Pence’s fly this week, but I tried.

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – October 2 2020

This year has been a great ten years. Here’s some stuff to share.

  • Probably a repeat from a few years ago, but this site (and ABTesting) are hosted by chemicloud (affiliate link). Nearly 3 years into using them for hosting, and they haven’t dropped a step. I’ve never waited more than 5 minutes for support.
    I’ve updated my plan, so this site should be ever-so-slighly faster.
  • I’ve been using Joplin for notes for a while, but it wasn’t quite good enough to keep my eyes from wandering, so now I’m experimenting with using Notion for my cross platform note taking.
  • Worth calling out here (and thanks Chris for clueing me in) – Rocco Prestia – the fantastic bassist from Tower of Power passed away this week.
  • This article on linkedin turning into a cringefest is spot-on
  • Wear a damn mask (xkcd for options)

bookmark_borderFive for Friday – September 25, 2020

  • 49 days until the US Presidential election. If you’re reading this in the US, make sure you’re registered – and double check your registration frequently. You can register, and confirm that you’re registered on
  • I guess code for Windows XP leaked somewhere on the internet. I doubt it’s helpful (or interesting) given that XP isn’t supported anymore, but reading the article made me wonder if Windows is enough of a non-thing now that it should just be open-sourced.
  • I’m oddly addicted to trivia questions. I know a lot about a little (but not really a lot about much at all). I just ordered this Trivia Calendar to to fuel my addiction.
  • I’m glad someone wrote this down. Don’t Be Clever
  • Nice post from Julian at Haystack on experimenting with process (including canceling standups)

See you next week.